Most sports and work activities are built around teams. In both settings teamwork is essential and requires the efforts of all participants to achieve a successful outcome. Creating a good team work environment requires effort. Besides a meaningful social...
As of current, Peace Centre Shopping Centre is closed As an alternative, here are a couple of popular shopping malls in Singapore that have a cluster of service providers providing printing related services. These printing hubs are reliable and...
Looking for a place that provides printing services or scanning services? Whether you are a business owner, a consumer, an entrepreneur, a student or simply looking for personalised print services. You might want to check out Sunshine Plaza, known as a printing...
When it comes to t-shirt customisation or printing, the question often posted were “Dri Fit or Cotton T-Shirt?” or “Dri Fit Or Cotton T-Shirt, which is better?” Both can be customised printing but surely, the key to comfort lies in knowing which to...
Chances are some of us probably have more than one jacket hanging in our wardrobe, whether for personal or work jacket, does it include a windbreaker? We love a good windbreaker for many reasons and today we will share more about it. For a start, it’s...
With Christmas round the corner, it’s the time to gear up for this festive season. That said, Santa is probably best running through his wish lists now. At TJG Print, we made up a list of design apparels as gift ideas and some of which you can customise to mark the...